〒192-0033: ZIP Code of Takakuramachi, Hachiojishi, TOKYO
ZIP code / Postcode of Takakuramachi, Hachiojishi, TOKYO, JAPAN is 〒192-0033. You can also learn how to write Japanese addresses by comparing them with English addresses one by one.
ZIP code & Place name
ZIP code / Postcode:
Place name in English and Japanese
Takakuramachi - 高倉町
Hachiojishi - 八王子市
TOKYO - 東京都
〒 is the symbol of the Japanese postal services, and is used as a Japanese postal code mark.
Postcode data : last modified in 2024-11. It is recommended that you confirm accuracy by comparing with Japan Post official website (Japanese Only).
Area of Postal Code 192-0033
Address Notation in English and Japanese
How to write a Japanese address
In Japanese, the address is generally written, beginning with the largest geographical area and ending with the smallest one. The order is reversed when writing in Roman letters, to better suit Western conventions.
Address Notation
The address notation for "XXX-YYY-ZZZ, Takakuramachi, Hachiojishi, TOKYO, JAPAN" is as follows. (XXX-YYY-ZZZ stands for the sample of Block or House number)
English style address
〒192-0033 JAPAN
Japanese style address
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About This Site
This site is an attempt to help non-Japanese speaker search ZIP codes of Japan. You can also learn how to write Japanese addresses by comparing them with English addresses one by one.
Regions randomly selected from TOKYO
- Nagatachosannopakutawa (floor 21) [ Chiyodaku > 〒1006121 ]
- Harumiofisutawax (floor 9) [ Chuoku > 〒1046009 ]
- Marunochigurantokyonosutawa (floor 22) [ Chiyodaku > 〒1006722 ]
- Shimizu [ Higashiyamatoshi > 〒2070004 ]
- Ootemachijeieibiru (floor 34) [ Chiyodaku > 〒1006834 ]
- Saginomiya [ Nakanoku > 〒1650032 ]
- Roppongiizumigadentawa (floor 33) [ Minatoku > 〒1066033 ]
- Toyosutoyosusentabiru (floor 2) [ Kotoku > 〒1356002 ]
- Nishishinjukushinjukusumitomobiru (floor 6) [ Shinjukuku > 〒1630206 ]
- Minamikasai [ Edogawaku > 〒1340085 ]
- Yamabukicho [ Shinjukuku > 〒1620801 ]
- Kitasenzoku [ Ootaku > 〒1450062 ]
- Higashigaoka [ Meguroku > 〒1520021 ]
- Nishishinjukutokyooperashitexi (floor 49) [ Shinjukuku > 〒1631449 ]
- Nishishinjukushinjukumonorisu (floor 9) [ Shinjukuku > 〒1630909 ]
- Kamimeguro [ Meguroku > 〒1530051 ]
- Harumiofisutawax (floor 29) [ Chuoku > 〒1046029 ]
- Funado [ Itabashiku > 〒1740041 ]
- Konanshinagawaintashitexicto (floor 19) [ Minatoku > 〒1086219 ]
- Kandatsukasamachi [ Chiyodaku > 〒1010048 ]
- Akasakaakasakabizutawa (floor 5) [ Minatoku > 〒1076305 ]
- Higashishimbashidentsuuhonshabiru (floor 36) [ Minatoku > 〒1057036 ]
- Matsushima [ Edogawaku > 〒1320031 ]
- Tateno [ Higashiyamatoshi > 〒2070021 ]
- Toranomonshiroyamatorasutotawa (floor 22) [ Minatoku > 〒1056022 ]
- Machiya [ Arakawaku > 〒1160001 ]
- Mitsugi (ooaza) [ Musashimurayamashi > 〒2080033 ]
- Roppongiizumigadentawa (floor 1) [ Minatoku > 〒1066001 ]
- Roppongisumitomofudosanroppongigurandotawa (floor 32) [ Minatoku > 〒1066232 ]
- Kamishakujii [ Nerimaku > 〒1770044 ]