Oshino, Ishikawagunnonoichimachi, ISHIKAWAKEN, JAPAN

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Postal Code 921-8802

Postral Code for Oshino, Ishikawagunnonoichimachi, ISHIKAWAKEN, JAPAN : 921-8802

Data source : Japanese postal codes by Official Japan Post Holdings Global Site.

Upload July 8,2011 (Data Jun 28,2011)

Confirm accuracy by comaring with Japan Post official website.

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Address in English and Japanese

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Prefecture : ISHIKAWAKEN (石川県)

City : Ishikawagunnonoichimachi (石川郡野々市町)

Town : Oshino (押野)

(XXX-XXX-XXX below stands for the sample of Block or House number)

What's the postal code for Japan ?

Postal codes for Japan are seven digits.

In Japan, the address is generally written on a single line, beginning with the largest geographical area and ending with the smallest one.

In the Roman alphabet, this would transcripted as follows:

JAPAN 921-8802 ISHIKAWAKEN Ishikawagunnonoichimachi Oshino XXX-XXX-XXX

In the Japanese kanji, this would transcripted as follows:

〒921-8802 石川県 石川郡野々市町 押野 XXX-XXX-XXX

English style address


Ishikawagunnonoichimachi, ISHIKAWAKEN

921-8802 JAPAN

Japanese style address

〒 921-8802

石川県 石川郡野々市町


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